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Salaries (as of 9/30/2023)

Preferred Name Title CCH6 / Funding Unit Cost Center Position Group Salary /
Hourly Rate
Raman, Vidya Physician - Anesthesiology Medicine CC12848 Medicine | Anesthesiology University $326,664.00 40%
Severyn, Steven Physician - Anesthesiology Medicine CC12848 Medicine | Anesthesiology University $158,240.00 40%
Xia, Tianna Physician - Anesthesiology Medicine CC12848 Medicine | Anesthesiology University $245,901.00 38%
Spitz, Megan Physician - Anesthesiology Medicine CC12848 Medicine | Anesthesiology University $302,962.00 40%
Nasser, Samiha Physician - Anesthesiology Medicine CC12848 Medicine | Anesthesiology University $381,202.00 50%
Barclay, Alicia Physician - Anesthesiology Medicine CC12848 Medicine | Anesthesiology University $381,202.00 50%
Nguyen, Anthony Physician - Anesthesiology Medicine CC12848 Medicine | Anesthesiology University $420,401.00 50%
Hussain, Nasir Physician - Anesthesiology Medicine CC12848 Medicine | Anesthesiology University $420,401.00 50%
McGahan, Rose Physician - Anesthesiology Medicine CC12848 Medicine | Anesthesiology University $283,401.00 38%
Ozga, Heather Physician - Anesthesiology Medicine CC12848 Medicine | Anesthesiology University $134,554.00 50%
Schroell, Robert Physician - Anesthesiology Medicine CC12848 Medicine | Anesthesiology University $302,961.00 40%
Wilsak, David Physician - Anesthesiology Medicine CC12848 Medicine | Anesthesiology University $342,082.00 45%
Graul, Thomas Physician - Anesthesiology Medicine CC12848 Medicine | Anesthesiology University $342,082.00 45%
BAIS, KIMMY Physician - Anesthesiology Health Sciences CC12868 Health Sciences | FGP Anesthesiology Health System $381,202.00 50%
Kellermier, Cyrus Physician - Anesthesiology Medicine CC12848 Medicine | Anesthesiology University $402,513.00 50%
Camacho Ortega, Alvaro Physician - Anesthesiology Medicine CC12848 Medicine | Anesthesiology University $381,202.00 50%
Wang, Xiaobin Physician - Anesthesiology Medicine CC12848 Medicine | Anesthesiology University $381,202.00 50%
YUSOF, JOHAN Physician - Anesthesiology Medicine CC12848 Medicine | Anesthesiology University $381,202.00 50%

* About the Data

Amounts represent the salary or hourly rate on the “as of” date

  • Salary: the annual rate paid to salaried employees. The rate is reflective of the FTE. In order to get the full-time rate, you would divide the salary by the FTE.
  • Hourly Rate: The hourly pay rate paid to hourly employees. Hourly rates are indicated by the term “Hourly” showing up under FTE.